Q: Can I control the spacing of emitters?

A: Toro’s high quality emitters in seamless, extruded tubes are available at any emitter spacing without additional costs. This is because of Toro’s manufacturing breakthrough which creates a high precision, continuously molded emitter instead of individual, injection molded emitters that are more expensive.

Q: How long does it take to recoup the costs of installation?

A: Estimates range from 3-5 years, but many users has recouped their investment is two years or less. Payback Wizzard can help you estimate return on investment....

Q: How much variance is there in volume emitted from one end of the line to the other.

A: Uniformity is generally greater than 90%. This means that with a 1” application of water, the driest plant will receive .90 inches of water, and the wettest plant will receive 1.10 inches. This allows irrigators to get the most from every gallon of water they pump.

Q: I’ve heard emitters can become cloggged. What are the reasons for this?

A: Considerable improvements have been made over the past 30 years to minimize plugging problems. Plugging contaminants generally arise from several different conditions: Sand or algae that is moving past filters, Material that was never flushed out during installation, Material introduced with dirty chemical injection equipment. Dirt that is introduced during a line break..With a properly designed system, filters should remove all sand and algae. A properly installed systems will be flushed of material during installation and proper shut off and flushing of the system will greatly reduce formation of chemical precipitates.

Q: How does terrain and length of run affect the performance of low pressure irrigation systems?

A: For long runs or undulating terrain, Toro developed the world’s only pressure compensating drip tape, Aqua-Traxx PC. Together with wide diameters and heavy wall thickness, Aqua-Traxx PC is the best choice for producers seeking to minimize system cost and optimize longevity and durability.

Q: Can Drip systems be damaged by insects, rodents, or chemicals?

A: Chemicals, insects and rodents can all damage systems to varying degrees. But with proper installation, the likelihood of these problems is greatly reduced. A qualified Pest Control Advisor should be enlisted to recommend the proper pesticide to use prior to installing the tape, where the pesticide should be applied, and the proper dosage. Thicker tape is more capable of withstanding insect damage than thinner-walled tape. In some areas, 8 mil wall thickness has been sufficient to minimize insect damage. In other areas, 15 mil tape has been needed.
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